Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First stop... San Francisco

First stop... San Francisco. I hate flying, so my nerves were a little bit crushed, the landing in San Francisco was kinda shitty, but as soon as I stepped out of the plane I knew I was going to love the experience. I always wanted to go to the States and didn't have a chance before.

@San Francisco's airport looking crappy.

We (my mom and friend Jorge) arrived to San Francisco around 12 pm and Jorge's cousin was already waiting for us with his girlfriend Bree (both really really nice people). We went to our hotel right away to check in, but we had to cross the Golden Gates bridge to get there and I freaking LOVED IT. Our hotel wasn't the nicest hotel on earth but it was cheap and looked pretty. I was freezing my butt there but I even loved the weather. That night we just went to bed.

The day after, Rodrigo promised to take us out and look around. We went shopping and I found the coolest leather jacket on earth (it was cheap too hehe) it wasn't as warmth as I needed it to be, but as soon as I bought it I never took it off even if I was freezing.

You can see in my face I was suffering the cold, but looks goes first hehe.

I also saw The Cheesecake Factory for the first time in my life, and as a Big Bang Theory fan I had to fangirl about it.

I was like "OMG OMG Penny works in one like this". I'm a freak.

We were there for a while. I don't remember the name of the street but it was pretty cool. I had never seen stores that allowed dogs in them (Mexico doesn't allow people to walk their dogs at their shops LOL) so it was pretty amazing being in a place so different to my normal thing.

After that we went to the Golden Gates bridge to take some pictures. You're not a tourist if you don't go there and take a bunch of pictures.

- My mom, the prettiest woman on earth :)

- That's me and my Rockstar complex, specially with my jacket hehe.

- Jorge and I rocking out the Golden Gates.

- Jorge, Bree, Rodrigo and I. They were amazing.

After that we kept shopping. There were so many STUPID things I had never seen before (only on TV or movies and stuff like that) it felt funny to see them for the first time and even if I'm 25 years old I felt like I was only 5.

- I saw steam coming out of the drain/sewer. I was like "Uh like in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" LOL
- A homeless person with a cart. I had never seen one, and saw two in San Francisco. And indeed I thought "Oh my god, like in the movies".
- A homeless with a sign. He was with his dog and the sign said "We're starving" and had to give him money. People over her only ask for money or do things for you to give them money, no signs though.
- So many Skycrapers in one place. I live in a small city, there are really few tall buildings. But there I had to break my neck to see the top of a building.
And, I fell in love every two steps on the street. There were hotties EVERYWHERE. I like blonde guys with green eyes (not so commong where I live), so I was like in heaven, lots of blondes LOL.

@ The AT&T Park - We wanted to go to the slide but it was closed.

Around 7 pm, Rodrigo drove us all the way to San Jose. I don't remember much of the drive because it was night, I was probably exhausted and... I seriously don't know why I don't remember much hehe.

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